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Students are responsible for checking deadlines and submitting applications on time.




Welcome to the VTEC Scholarship Page

Scholarships can be a vital part of a successful college experience.  Students who take the initiative and pursue scholarships have a much better chance of having a large percentage of their college expenses paid for.  Mrs. Lalanne is here to help you with the scholarship process. You can contact her at 559.622.3212 or

Here are some tips to help you be successful in your scholarship hunt:

  1. Start early and know your dealines
  2. Ask for letters of recommendation and give your writers a deadline and follow-up
  3. Manage your time and make time to work on scholarship essays and applications
  4. When writing essays try to write them broad enough to be used for multiple scholarships
  5. Calendar dealines and turn your schorlaships in early if possible

To see a list of all of the current Scholarships available, click on the link below:

Going Merry Scholarships





Edison Scholars Awards ($40,000) 

